| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de peatones

Walking around a city is a great way to reduce traffic, exercise, and see the sites. However, pedestrians risk being seriously injured if a reckless driver doesn’t obey the laws and hits them in a crosswalk. If you’re a pedestrian hit by a car in NJ, you should consult with an attorney to learn about compensation that might be available to you.

Can a Pedestrian Hit by a Car Sue the Driver in NJ?

When a driver hits a pedestrian, state law presumes the driver violated their duty of care, not the pedestrian. A pedestrian hit by a car in NJ can legally pursue compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, dolor y sufrimiento, and emotional distress. 

What Should I Do If I’m Hit by a Car?

If you’re a NJ pedestrian hit by a car, you’re probably disoriented in the immediate moments that follow the collision. A million questions could be running through your mind, and it can be tough to remember what to do.

The moments after an accident are crucial because it’s your chance to gather evidence that may not be there when the police arrive at the scene. Follow the steps below to help protect your rights if you’re hit by a car. 

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Protect Your Rights After a Pedestrian Accident – Contact Us for Immediate Legal Help

Busque atención médica

If you are seriously injured, don’t try to get up and survey the accident scene or talk to witnesses. Your health and safety are paramount after you’ve been hit by a car. Call 911 for police and medical assistance immediately after your accident, if you can. Compensation is meaningless if you lose your life. 

Get Contact Information for Witnesses

People who witnessed a NJ pedestrian hit by a car may provide statements, photos, and video of the accident that can help your attorney. If you can safely move after being hit by a car, try to talk with as many witnesses as you can and get their contact information. Witnesses don’t have to stay at the scene of an accident. You may be able to get information for a witness who leaves before the police arrive.  

Take Photos and Video of the Accident Scene

Police and investigators at the accident scene may record extensive evidence and information. However, during the time it takes for officers to arrive, the accident scene may change and evidence may be lost. Taking pictures and video of the scene can help your attorney understand the circumstances around your injury. 

Let Glugeth & Pierguidi, P.C., Be Your Trusted Advisors – Contact Our Experienced Attorneys Today

It’s in your best interest to call and talk with an experienced, compassionate attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Insurance companies have teams of attorneys who move quickly to get a pedestrian hit by a car in NJ to accept an unfair settlement.

En abogados en Glugeth & Pierguidi, P.C., understand the full extent of your injuries may take days or weeks to appear. We’ll work to protect your rights and fight relentlessly for compensation that considers all your injuries. Schedule a consultation today to get trustworthy advice on your legal situation. 

Author Photo

David Pierguidi y Jared Glugeth entienden lo difícil que puede ser para usted y su familia después de un accidente resultante de las acciones negligentes de alguien. Obtenga el tratamiento médico que necesita de inmediato y luego llame a nuestro bufete de abogados en cualquier momento del día para obtener respuestas a sus preguntas.

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