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New Jersey personal injury y negligencia médica law firm Glugeth & Pierguidi recently secured a significant settlement for a family affected by preventable birth injuries stemming from multiple instances of negligence. The case involved critical medical oversights during a preterm labor diagnosis and subsequent care that resulted in catastrophic injuries for the child, including cerebral palsy. This outcome underscores the importance of holding medical providers accountable when they fail to meet the standard of care. The case centered on a series of failures by medical professionals to properly diagnose, treat, and communicate during a high-risk pregnancy. Key medications, including steroids and treatment to stop contractions were not administered as required despite multiple opportunities over the following days. These omissions culminated in the premature delivery of her child, who experienced severe complications due to inadequate preparation for preterm birth. After presenting compelling evidence, the family secured a significant settlement to cover the child’s lifelong care and medical needs.

Medical Failures That Could Have Been Prevented

In this case, the mother sought care from multiple providers after experiencing early labor symptoms. However, despite a diagnosis of preterm labor and the known risks associated with her condition, her care was mishandled.

Missed Opportunities to Administer Critical Medications

Providers failed to administer the entire course of betamethasone, a steroid critical for maturing the baby’s lungs, and the medication Indocin to decrease the amniotic fluid and stop the contractions. This oversight directly contributed to respiratory distress and severe brain damage after birth. This failure reflects systemic negligence at multiple points in the mother’s care. Proper intervention could have delayed the birth, allowing time for critical medications to take effect and significantly reducing the risk of complications.

Justice for the Family

The family’s legal team at Glugeth & Pierguidi presented overwhelming evidence of negligence, supported by medical experts who confirmed the failure to meet the standard of care. The defendants could not refute the clear documentation showing repeated oversights and deviations from established protocols. The case was resolved for six million dollars through a substantial settlement that provided financial resources for the child’s lifelong medical needs. The settlement amounts included funds for specialized care, therapy, equipment, and compensation for the family’s emotional and financial toll.

Has Your Family Been Affected by a Tragic Birth Injury?

If your child was the victim of a recent birth injury, it may have been due to medical malpractice. At the New Jersey birth injury law firm of Glugeth & Pierguidi, we take pride in helping families pursue the justice they deserve for what they’ve been through. We offer compassionate, responsible representation catered to your family’s needs and designed to secure meaningful financial compensation to secure your family’s future. To learn more and to schedule a consulta gratuita, give Glugeth & Pierguidi a call, or you can connect with us through our secure online contact form.

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David Pierguidi y Jared Glugeth entienden lo difícil que puede ser para usted y su familia después de un accidente resultante de las acciones negligentes de alguien. Obtenga el tratamiento médico que necesita de inmediato y luego llame a nuestro bufete de abogados en cualquier momento del día para obtener respuestas a sus preguntas.

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